french fries with eggplants and peppers in tempura



Name Protein Carbs Fat Calories Weight (g) Total calories Options
1000 g acedias 0.9 10.1 0.3 42 1000 420
1 regular eggplant 1.0 5.9 0.2 25 548 137
2 regular red peppers 0.9 6.7 0.1 29 0 0
1 serving tempura flour 11.4 74.4 1.5 361 0 0
1 serving flour 15.1 71.2 2.7 370 0 0
salt 0 0 0 0 ? 0 Ver
1 serving extra virgin olive oil 0.0 0.0 100.0 884 14 124
Total (sin cocinar) 14.5 133.2 17.7 681 1562 681
Por 100g 0.9 8.5 1.1 44 100 44

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