spaguetti salad with tuna



Name Protein Carbs Fat Calories Weight (g) Total calories Options
3 serving spaghetti 200 grams 13.3 74.8 1.6 372 171 636
1 can tuna 16.0 9.4 9.3 187 85 159
1 serving onion 1.1 9.3 0.1 40 150 60
130 g corn 8.4 85.6 0.9 224 130 291
1 piece lemon 1.5 16.0 0.3 47 6 3
salt to taste 0 0 0 0 ? 0 Ver
1 serving mayonnaise 0.4 9.2 22.2 238 15 36
Total (sin cocinar) 49.1 263.6 15.3 1185 557 1185
Por 100g 8.8 47.3 2.7 213 100 213

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